ࡱ> HJG  bjbjyy 4600,| F\\\\       $/"$`( ^( \\-=  \\  V@v\p@  S 0 xA%A%vA%vx( (  A%0 P: Faculty Advisor Evaluation of Students Capstone Project Please complete this evaluation and discuss with the student. Submit to the MPH Program, via email to  HYPERLINK "mailto:mph@mcw.edu" mph@mcw.edu or by fax to 414-955-6529 before the end of the semester. Faculty Advisor Name Student Name  Capstone Project Title Part I. Achievement of Competencies Please assess the extent to which the identified competencies were achieved. C=Competent SC=Somewhat Competent NC=Not Competent Competencies (as identified in the proposal)C/SC/NCMeasures of Success   Part II. Student Performance Please review and assess the following components of the Capstone Project. Rating Scale 1=Excellent 2=Good 3=Satisfactory 4=Unsatisfactory N/A (if didnt observe or not relevant) RatingCommentsCompletion of Capstone Project Proposal. Submission of preliminary draft of Masters Paper. Completion of final Masters Paper, which incorporated recommendations from the Faculty Advisor and Second Reader.Submission of a PowerPoint presentation. Overall grade for Capstone Project.  %(89:ŶsbVVh5CJOJQJaJ hhk0JCJOJQJaJhkhkCJOJQJaJjhkCJOJQJUaJh4FCJOJQJaJhkCJOJQJaJhZCJOJQJaJh+hZCJOJQJaJh+hZ5CJOJQJaJh,K^5CJOJQJaJhN5CJOJQJaJh rhZ5CJOJQJaJ9: # $ 5 7 P Q R w x ( 0 D $$Ifa$gd,K^`gd,K^gd[?gd,K^gdZ$a$gdZ    ! # $ , - 0 1 3 5 6 7 8 N P Q R [ j m v w ʹͥ􃥴vfYfYvh,K^5CJOJQJaJh+hZ5CJOJQJaJhZ5CJOJQJaJ*jh,K^CJOJQJUaJmHnHuhpCJOJQJaJh+h,K^CJOJQJaJ0jh+hZCJOJQJUaJmHnHuh+hZCJOJQJaJhZCJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJaJh,K^CJOJQJaJw x D E F G H J L M N O P R T U V X Z Ȳt_Lt_LL_L%h\h,K^B*CJOJQJaJph(hh,K^5B*CJOJQJaJph%h\hfB*CJOJQJaJphhfB*CJOJQJaJphh,K^B*CJOJQJaJphh\h,K^CJaJ+h\h,K^5B*CJOJQJ\aJphh,K^CJOJQJaJh!BCJOJQJaJhy~h,K^CJOJQJaJh+h[?5CJOJQJaJD E F G H J L wwwnn $Ifgd,K^ $Ifgd=kd$$IflXF|)fff t)6    44 lBa]pyt,K^L M N O P R T wwwnn $Ifgd,K^ $Ifgd=kd$$Ifl<F|)&ff t)6    44 lBa]pytfT U V X Z wnn $Ifgd,K^ $Ifgd=kd$$IflF|)&ff t)6    44 lBa]pytfZ [ \ ^ ` wnn $Ifgd,K^ $Ifgd=kd$$Ifl F|)&ff t)6    44 lBa]pytfZ [ \ ^ ` a b d f g h j l m n o p q    ( , . 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